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Virtual Wardrobe Stylist

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Virtual Wardrobe Stylist

60 minutes

Once you’ve completed our color, style, and wardrobe analysis program and we’ve edited your existing wardrobe, you’re now ready to embark on retrieving new essential clothing pieces and accessories. We want to achieve the most optimal body line and enhance your best assets so that you can stay true to your style. Let me help you become a savvy shopper who enjoys wearing 100% of your wardrobe!

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Special Event Shopping

1 hour

Headed out for a night on the town or a special date — a wedding, anniversary, reunion, prom, or gala? Do you really want to make heads turn? Take the stress of finding the perfect, flattering outfit off your shoulders with a custom unique event shopper! I’ll help you find the right outfit and accessories for a one-of-a-kind look that makes ‘em say, “WOW!” 


Girl on the Go!

60 minutes

About to go from a frozen wonderland to a tropical paradise (or vice versa)? Headed for business out of town and want to travel light while still looking like a boss? Then you need to really consider your travel wardrobe! Let me help you plan your travel outfits and select items that fit your destination, climate, and activities. Make packing a breeze with versatile pieces. We’ll start with the existing wardrobe pieces you have and shop for whatever pieces we need to fill the gap. If you don’t have anything in your closet right now, that’s okay! We will make a plan and find the pieces together.

 Let’s get your wardrobe straight

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